
Childhood Memories


                             Sometimes we are lost in our own world. At times we don’t even know what we are doing or heading to. I was just thinking the other day what if we never grew young???? Isn’t that silly? I would want to take you down the lane of memories....

Remember when we were young, we used to get up early in the crack of dawn, (late wakers pls excuse)… get ready and go to school, attend classes regularly, have yummy lunch mom used to pack for us…play during lunch time, enjoy during the MD (mass drill) classes…where we used to do more of dancing than the exercises…then go back home and do the home work (of course after playing till the sun reached the other end of the earth)…. how fun it was to wait for dad to come home from his work and dream to become like him one day…

We have come from so many phases of life… Kindergarten to Primary to High School to collage...  ahhhhh!!! So many days and months and years!! Some painful, some happy, some difficult, some easy…. isn’t life tremendously beautiful???? But how far have we enjoyed???

And now at this point of time when we are in collage, don’t we miss those beautiful days and feel if we would go back to them??? Just wonder if we had that magic power which would take us back to those days and give us sometime to meet our child-hood buddies (aka Chaddi dost)… alas we don’t have that power do we? But still life’s goin’ on and on… so friends here’s a raise of toast to all those who think their childhood days were the best and would like to go back to them….

And to those who think are happy now as they are…please read it again and I bet at your solitude you will unquestionably remember those days….

Live your life at the best you can…


~ raje

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